Pricing plans

Unlock your full potential and tap into ancient wisdom with Hamilton Souther, Master Plant Medicine Shaman. You will receive expert guidance and training in the use of plant medicines (Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Psilocybin and Cannabis) to accelerate personal growth and transformation. 

Pay Month-to-Month

$99 per Month 

Cancel anytime. 


  • Weekly Zoom Lectures with Maestro Hamilton
  • Collective Plant Medicine Sessions
  • Group and Individual Sits
  • Small Group Cohorts
  • Group Ceremonies
  • Mystery School Retreats
  • Community Activities and Challenges
  • Personal Development Mentorship
  • Community Support
  • Integration Circles

Pay per Year (Save 20%)

$999 per Year       ($1198/y)

One time payment for $999.


  • Weekly Zoom Lectures with Maestro Hamilton
  • Collective Plant Medicine Sessions
  • Group and Individual Sits
  • Small Group Cohorts
  • Group Ceremonies
  • Mystery School Retreats
  • Community Activities and Challenges
  • Personal Development Mentorship
  • Community Support
  • Integration Circles